Part Pricing Levels

Part pricing levels are different prices assigned to parts based on customer type, purchase volume, part value, etc. The levels are tiers of pricing depending on the situation. You can set up 20 part price levels.

The Part Pricing Levels page (Setup > Items & Parts > Part Pricing Levels) shows the 20 levels. Initially, these are named Level 1, Level 2, etc. You can rename these. Click the Edit button in a row. The Edit Level popup opens. In the Name field, delete the existing name and type a new one.

To add parts to a part level, click the Parts button in a row.

The Add Parts popup opens. Select the checkbox in each row to include the part in the part level. You can add as many parts as needed. When finished, click the Add Parts button.

To see the parts in a part level, click the plus button in the row beside the part level name:

To remove a part from the part level, click the Delete button in the row. At the prompt, click Yes to remove the part from the part level.

To change the part price and associated labor hours, click the Edit button in the row. This opens the Edit Part popup:

You can change the part Price and the Labor Units associated with the price level.

You can add the same part to more than one price level and change the part Price and Labor Units for each level.

Adding a Part Price Level to a Customer

You can edit a customer (CRM > Customer) and add a part price level.

In the Part Pricing Level dropdown, select a pricing level.

When parts are sold to the customer, the part price and labor units for any parts that are included in the pricing level will default to the part pricing level values.

If a customer does not have a part pricing level, parts sold to the customer use the normal rules to default the sales price of the part.

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