Parts Overview

Parts are the core of inventory management.  A great amount of thought should be given to how parts are created, so that searching for parts is as easy as possible for all users working with parts.

There are three optional fields on the part setup form which we highly recommend be used.

  • Manufacturer – This is the company that made the part.   This may or may not be the vendor from whom the part is purchased.
  • Type – The type is a way of categorizing parts.   This could be very generic such as Intrusion Devices, CCTV Devices, or more definitive such as control panels, motion detectors, and batteries.
  • Sub-Type – Using the sub-type is optional, however if you decide to use generic Types, the sub-type further defines the purpose of the part.  For example, we create a Type named Intrusion Devices.  We could then create Sub-types of panels, motions, sirens, etc.

 When searching for parts, users have the ability to sort or filter on the Manufacturer, Type, Sub-Type or a combination of any of the three fields.

If your company decides to assign a manufacturer, type, or sub-type to parts, values must first be entered into the setup tables.   Instructions for these setup tables are found in separate articles.

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