Users List

There are several tools available to manage the list of users.

  • Filter by active or inactive users
  • Filter by internal users or customer users
  • Sort by any column in the grid
  • Column grouping
  • Arrange grid column order by drag and drop
  • Open the menu (to the right of the column name) to sort, hide, show columns, or filter

Filter by Active or Inactive

At the upper right of the list is a toggle button that you can use to show active only or inactive only records.

Filter by User Type

At the upper right of the list is a toggle button that you can use to show internal users only or customer users only.

Sort by Column

Clicking on any column header within the user list re-sorts the information displayed in the grid. When first accessing the user list, the information displayed in the grid shows each user in the order in which they were created. Clicking on a column header sorts the list in ascending order.  Clicking a second time sorts in descending order, and clicking a third time returns to the initial view.

Column Grouping

Users can group the data displayed in the grid by one or multiple columns within the grid.

To group the data, hold the left mouse button down on the column you want to group by, and then drag up into the grouping bar and release the mouse button.

In the example, we are grouping by User Role.  When you want to remove the grouping, click the “X” of the grouping column name on the grouping bar.


Arrange Grid Columns

Users can rearrange the columns in the desired order by using drag and drop.  To move a column: on the column you want to move, hold down the left mouse button, and then drag to the new location and release the mouse button.

Note:  If you leave this page and return again, the columns will revert to the default order.

Column Options

Clicking on the ellipse button to the right of any column header displays a list of four options: Sort Ascending, Sort Descending, Columns, and Filter.


When selecting this option, a list of all available columns is displayed. If you do not want certain columns displayed in the grid, clear the checkbox to the left of each field. Click the Apply button when finished.

Note:  If you leave this page and return again, the columns will revert to the default view.


Use this option to refine the list displayed in the grid. When clicking on Filter, a dialog box will be displayed for entering criteria to find the records you want to display. The first field contains a drop-down list from which to select an operator. The list of available operators is:

  • Is equal to
  • Is not equal to
  • Contains
  • Does not contain
  • Starts with
  • Ends with
  • Is null
  • Is not null
  • Is empty
  • Is not empty

Select the desired operator, and then enter the criteria into the field below it. Click Filter when finished. The list will refresh based on the filter criteria entered.

Note:  If you leave this page and return again, any filters created will be removed.


Listed on the Tokens tab, are API tokens that log activity made by users while using integrations. This information is typically used by our support staff to troubleshoot any errors from the use of an integrated product.

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