AP Aging Report

The AP Aging Report produces a report containing all unpaid Vendor Bills and unapplied Vendor Credits separated into aging bucket columns.  Amounts are displayed for each vendor, and a grand total is shown on the last page of the report.

Report Parameters

The parameters available for this report are:

  • As of Date – The default is today’s date.  To generate the report retroactively, enter a date in the past.
  • Order by
    • Vendor Number
    • Vendor Name
    • Net Due
  • Sort Descending – The report default is to display in ascending order.
  • Include Future Transactions – Select this checkbox to include transactions date after the As Of Date.
  • Branch Selector – Users may select all branches, or click on individual branches to be included.

Generate the AP Aging Report

To generate this report, navigate to Reports > Accounts Payable > AP Aging Report.

The AP Aging Report page is displayed.  In the Parameters area, make the desired selections.  When finished, click on the Preview button.

The report results are based upon the selections in the parameters area.  The report lists all invoices first and then all credits.

Users may use the function buttons to print or export the report.

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