Aging Buckets

Aging Buckets are used in both Accounts Receivable (AR) and Accounts Payable (AP)  to identify both current and past due customer invoices and vendor bills.  Aging information is displayed on each customer and vendor record.  Aging buckets are also used when generating the AR Aging Report and the AP Aging Report.

Aging Information for a Customer

Aging Information for a Vendor

Users may change the definition of each of the five aging buckets, however if making changes, make certain not to overlap the number of "Over Days".

To edit an Aging Bucket record, navigate to Setup > Accounting > Aging Buckets.

The Aging Buckets list will be displayed.  Locate the record to modify, and then click on the Edit button.

The Edit Bucket form will be displayed.  Make the necessary changes, and then click on the Save button.

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