Company Info

The Company Info setup page is used to enter information related to your company. Click the Edit Info button at the upper right to enter or make changes.

The Company Info Edit form is displayed. Enter or edit your company information, and then click the Save button at the bottom of the form when finished. For definitions of each field on this form, refer to the list below.

Data entry fields preceded with an asterisk are required.

  • *Company Name — Enter the official name of your company.
  • Federal ID — Enter the company’s Federal Tax ID number. A maximum of 9 characters.
  • SSN — If a value was entered in the Federal ID field and your company reports under a social security number, set this toggle button to Yes.
  • Billing Phone — Enter the telephone number your customers may call for billing-related questions. This phone number will be printed on the invoice form. A maximum of 10 numeric characters.
  • Secondary Phone — Enter a secondary company phone number. This does not print on customer invoices. A maximum of 10 numeric characters.
  • Service Phone — Enter the telephone number your customers may call for service-related questions. This phone number prints on customer invoices. A maximum of 10 numeric characters.
  • Sales Phone — Enter the telephone number your customers may call for sales-related questions. This phone number prints on customer invoices. A maximum of 10 numeric characters.
  • Central Station Phone — Enter the telephone number your customers may call for central station-related questions. This phone number prints on customer invoices. A maximum of 10 numeric characters.
  • From Name — If you have not uploaded an image file for invoice printing, then the text entered into this field is the name of the company sending the invoice to your customer.
  • *Email Address — Enter your company’s email address. This will print on customer invoices.
  • Mailing Address — If you have not uploaded an image file for invoice printing (Setup > Company > Preferences > Logos), then the address entered into these fields is the address of the company sending the invoice to your customer.
  • Copy Mailing Address — If the Mailing Address and the Remittance Address are the same, set this toggle button to On. The address information in the Mailing Address fields will auto-fill into the Remittance Address fields on customer invoices. If the Remittance Address is different from the Mailing Address, set this toggle button to Off, and then fill in the Remittance Address information.
  • Remittance Address — If the Copy Mailing Address toggle was set to Off, enter the address information.
  • Notes — This is a free-form text field for capturing any additional information about the company. A maximum of 2,000 characters.
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