Add a Package

When creating a new Package, you will first enter a description and select optional labor and discount codes and values.  Once the Package record has been created, build the package by selecting items, parts, and recurring.

To add a new Package, from the main menu, arrive at the Package setup with this path: Setup > Proposals > Packages.

The Packages list will be displayed.  Click on the Add Package button at the upper left of the page.

The Add Package form will be displayed.  

Data Entry Fields

Data entry fields preceded by an asterisk are required.

  • *Name – Type in a short description for the package.   Maximum of 25 characters.
  • *Description – Type in a long description for the package.  You may want to enter what is included in the package.  Maximum of 150 characters.
  • Labor Item – If you want to have a line item appear for labor, select the appropriate item code from the list.
  • Labor Rate – If an item was selected in the Labor Item field, enter the labor rate to charge the customer.
  • Labor Cost – If an item was selected in the Labor Item field, you may enter your cost for the labor.  This is for reporting purposes.
  • Discount Item – If you want to have a line item appear for a discount on the package, select the appropriate item code from the list.
  • Discount % - If an item was selected in the Discount Item field, you may either enter a percentage value or a flat amount in the Discount Amount field.  If opting to enter a percentage value, the software will automatically calculate the discount amount.
  • Discount Amount – If an item was selected in the Discount Item field, you may either enter a percentage value or a flat amount in this field.

When finished, click the Save button at the bottom of the form.

You will be returned to the Packages List.  Locate the Package record you just created, and then click on the hyperlink in the Name column.

The Package record will be displayed.  Click on the Edit button at the upper right of the page.

You may now begin adding the elements contained within the package.

Adding Items to the Package

Click on the Items tab, and then click on the Add Items button.

The Add Items list will be displayed.  Locate one or more Items to include in the package by checking the box to the left of each desired Item.  When finished, click on the Add Items button at the bottom of the list.

The selected Items will appear in the grid area.  To edit the quantity or rate, double-click on the row to open the Item in edit mode.

The Edit Item form will be displayed.  Make the necessary changes, and then click on the OK button when finished.

Adding Parts to the Package

Click on the Parts tab, and then click on the Add Parts button.

The Add Parts list will be displayed.  Locate one or more parts to include in the package by checking the box to the left of each desired Part.  When finished, click on the Add Parts button at the bottom of the list.

The selected Parts will appear in the grid area.  To edit the quantity or rate, double-click on the row to open the Part in edit mode.

The Edit Part form will be displayed.  Make the necessary changes, and then click on the OK button when finished.

Note:  If the package will be sold as a lump sum amount, and you do not want to charge the customer for each individual part, make certain to set the Rate field to zero.

Adding RMR to the Package

Click on the RMR tab, and then click on the New RMR button.

The Add Sales Package RMR form will be displayed.  Fill in the form and then click on the Save button at the bottom when finished.  Repeat this process if more than one RMR is to be included in the package.

When finished building the Package, click on the Save button located at the upper right of the page.

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