Convert a Receipt to a Bill

When a purchase order is received, a receipt record is created.  Once the actual bill is received from the vendor, users may convert the receipt into a bill.  This function will create a bill with all the items, parts, and part kits that were contained on the receipt record.

A receipt may be converted to a bill from the receipts tab of a vendor record or from the receipts tab of the Bills List.  Using the Bills List method is the quickest.

To convert a receipt to a bill, navigate to Accounts Payable > Bills.  This Bills List will be displayed.  Click on the Receipts tab.

Locate the receipt to be converted, and then click on the hyperlink in the Reference Number column to open the receipt record.


 The Receipt record will be displayed.  At the upper right of the page, click on the More button, and then click on the Convert to Bill option.

A confirmation message will be displayed – click on the Yes button.

You will be returned to the Bills tab of the Bills List.  Locate the bill that was just created, and then click on the hyperlink in the Reference Number column to open the bill.  Sorting on the Bill Date column in descending order should make it easier to locate the bill.

The Bill record will be displayed.  You will need to edit the bill to enter the actual invoice number, bill date, and if needed add additional charges.  Click on the Edit button at the upper right of the page.

The Bill will be displayed in edit mode.  Make the necessary changes, and then click on the Save button at the upper right of the page when finished.

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