
After confirming a deposit has been made into the company's bank account, add the deposit in Managely and apply customer payments to the deposit.

From the main menu, browse to Accounts Receivable> Payments > Deposits.

The Deposits list page opens.

Adding a Deposit and Customer Payments

On the Deposits list page, click the Add Deposits button. This opens the Deposits detail page.

This page has sections for adding a deposit, adding a payment, showing the deposit payments, and totals for the deposit, payments entered, and amount of deposit remaining.

Fields with a red dot are required fields.

New Deposit

Use this section to add the deposit:

Deposit Amount: Type the deposit amount.

Deposit Date: Enter the date for the deposit. Default is today's date.

Bank Account: Select the bank account for the deposit.

Add Payment

Use this section to add payments against the deposit:

Payment Date: Enter the date for customer's payment. Default is today's date.

Payment Type: Choose the payment type: Cash or Check (if you choose check enter the check number in the next field)

Check Number: If you selected check as the payment type, type the check number.

Customer: Choose the customer.

Invoice: Select the invoice the customer is paying, if any.

Amount: Type the amount of the payment.

Late Fee Amount: Type the amount to apply to a late fee, if any.

Memo: Type a memo to associate with the payment.

Auto Apply: If set to YES, Managely applies any remaining payment amount to the customer's invoices starting with the oldest first.

Apply to deposit: Click the button to add the customer's payment. This updates the Payment Entered Total and Deposit Remaining. This is not enabled if a required field is missing.

Continue adding customer payments until the Deposit Remaining is zero. These are shown in the Deposit Payments section.

When finished, click Save.

You can enter and save a deposit and then add payments later. To do this, on the Deposits list page find the deposit in the list. In its row, click the Batch #. From here the Deposit section  cannot be changed. The bottom section shows any payments associated with the deposit.

Use the Add Payment section to add customer payments until the Deposit Remaining is zero.

Editing a Payment

On the Deposits list page, click the Batch # in a row. This opens the Deposits details page.

In the Deposit Payments section, click a payment # in a row. This opens the Payment details page.

Click the Edit button (at the top). This opens the payment for edit.

Make and save edits.

Editing a Deposit

To edit deposit details after it has been entered, on the Deposits list page, find the row with the deposit and click the Edit (pencil) button at the end of the row. Each payment method has some different fields.

Manual payment

Credit card payment

eCheck payment

NOTE: The Posted to GL switch is YES when the deposit has been reconciled.

Deleting a Deposit

You can delete a deposit if no payments have been applied to it. On the Deposits list page, find a deposit row that has zero payments. Click the Delete button at the end of the row.

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