Add a Bank Account

Use this setup page to enter bank accounts, reconcile bank accounts, and export the list to Excel.  A bank account is typically defined as a financial institution:

  • Into which your company deposits funds
    • From customer checks
    • EFT funded transactions
  • Writes checks from (or record online payments)
  • Transfer funds from one bank to another

Before setting up Bank Account records, you must first setup a GL Account with the account type of Bank, which will be linked to each bank account record.

To add a new Bank Account, from the main menu, arrive at the Bank Accounts setup with this path: General Ledger>Bank Accounts.

The Bank Accounts list will be displayed.  Click on the Add Bank Account button at the upper left of the form.

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

The Bank Account Edit form will be displayed.  Each data entry field is described below.  All data entry fields except Description are required.

  • Bank Name – Type in a name for the bank account.   This appears on drop-down lists where selecting a bank for a transaction.  Maximum 25 characters.
  • Description – This is a longer description for the bank account.  Maximum 50 characters.
  • Next Check # – Enter the next check number.
  • Check Format – Make a selection from the drop-down list.
  • GL Account – From the drop-down list, select the GL Account for this bank.
  • Account # – Enter the bank account number provided by your financial institution.
  • Routing # – Enter the bank routing number provided by your financial institution.  This field is validated.

When finished, click the Save button at the bottom of the form.

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