Add a Contract Type

From the main menu, arrive at the Contract Types setup with this path: Setup > Operations > Contract Types.

The Contract Types list will be displayed.  Click on the Add Contract Type button at the upper left of the page.

The Add Contract Type page will be displayed.  This page consists of three tabs; Details, Systems, and RMRs.  Information on the Details tab is required, where information on the Systems and RMRs tabs is optional.

Details Tab

Type a Name for the Contract Type, and then type in the number of days for the Contract Length.

When finished, click on the Systems tab.  If you will not be adding Systems or RMR to this contract type, click on the green Save button at the bottom of the page.

Systems Tab

At the upper left of the page, click on the Add button.  A row will be displayed to type in the name of the System for this contract type.  In the Labor Warranty Type and Part Warranty Type fields, make the appropriate selection from the drop-down lists.  When finished, click on the Save button to the right of the row.

To add RMR to the contract type, click on the RMRs tab.  If you will not be adding RMR to this contract type, click on the green Save button at the bottom of the page.

RMRs Tab

At the upper left of the page, click on the Add button.   A row will be displayed to type in the name of the RMR for this contract type.  When finished, click on the Save button to the right of the row, and then click on the green Save button at the bottom of the page.

Data Entry Fields

  • Item:  Make a selection from the drop-down list
  • Rate:  Type in the default monthly rate for the recurring service.
  • Frequency:  Select the default billing frequency from the drop-down list.

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