Submitting a Case on the Customer Portal

To submit a case, navigate to the Home tab and follow the steps below in the form:

  1. Visit
  2. Impact: Select from dropdown menu.
  3. Version: Type in the version of software for this case. Enter N/A if not applicable.
  4. Product: Select the product for this case.
  5. Sub product: Further refinement of the product, appears after selecting Product.
  6. Request Category: Category of support.
  7. Request Type: Support needed based on your request category.
  8. Subject: Descriptive title for the case.
  9. Description: Provide details of the issue or question.
  10. Repo Steps: Provide the steps necessary to reproduce the issue.
  11. Functional Area: Select the area where the issue is occurring within the software.*
  12. Detailed Functional Area: Further refinement of functional area.*
  13. Attachments: Attach any screenshots that will support the issue.
  14. Click Finish. 

*For Financial Management software only

Your Case Number

You will receive a case number on the portal after submitting your case, along with an email. 

You can check the status of your case under the “MY CASES” tab.  

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