Managely Defect Work Around - Ungrouped Displays on Proposal

In Managely version if a Dealer prints out the default proposal PDF it will display the parts as ungrouped. Below is a work around for this issue until the defect is corrected.


  1. Create a proposal like you normally would and add your parts. In this example we created proposal 11183 that has five parts.

A proposal document with a receipt and a receiptDescription automatically generated with medium confidence


2. Go into edit mode and click on the Charges tab


3. Click on the Move to Group icon

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated


4. Click the triangle pointing down to the right of “Select a group” and then select “Add New” and then push submit

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated


5. Fill out the fields in the “Create a new Group” box and then push submit (in our example we named the group “Charges for Parts”)

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated


6. You will receive a message alerting you that your Charges group updated successfully 


A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated


7. Click on the Move to Group icon to the right of your next part

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated


8. Select “Charge for Parts” from the drop down and then push the submit button

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated


9. Repeat these steps for all your parts and instead of displaying as “Ungrouped” your parts will display as the group you created “Charged for Parts”


A proposal document with numbers and textDescription automatically generated


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