Unapply a Payment

If a payment was applied to the incorrect invoice, you may unapply the payment application.

To unapply a payment application, you must access the customer record.

From the main menu, arrive at the Customers list with this path: CRM > Customers.

The Customers opens. Locate the customer in the list, and then click the hyperlink in the Customer # column to open the customer record.

The Customer record opens. Click the Invoices tab, and then click the toggle button to “Show All Invoices”. A list of all invoices for the customer is shown in the grid area. In the Invoice # column, click the hyperlink of the desired invoice.

The invoice opens. Click the Payments tab, and then click the Unapply Payment button. The payment is removed from the invoice and available to apply to a different invoice. Make note of the payment number that was unapplied. This will appear on the Customer Payments tab.

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