Add a Warehouse

To add a new Warehouse, navigate to Inventory > Warehouses.

The Warehouse list will be displayed.  Click on the Add Warehouse button.


The Warehouse form will be displayed.  The data entry fields are described below.  Fields with a red bullet to the left are required.

Data Entry Fields

  • Warehouse Name – Enter a name for the warehouse.   Maximum of 100 characters allowed.   On data entry form where there is a field for Warehouse, the drop-down list will display the warehouse name. 
  • Warehouse Code – Enter a code for the warehouse.   Maximum of 25 characters allowed.
  • Warehouse Description – This is internal information regarding the warehouse.  If the warehouse is a vehicle, you may want to enter the type of vehicle and the VIN number.
  • Address – Enter the physical location of where this vehicle resides outside of business hours.  If the warehouse is for a technician and they take the vehicle home at the end of the day, enter the technician’s home address.
  • GL Account – From the drop-down list, select the G/L Account which is the inventory asset account for the warehouse.

When finished filling in the form, click the Save button.

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