Manual Statements

To manually generate statements, navigate to Accounts Receivable > Reports > Customer Statements.

The Customer Statements page will be displayed.  The upper two panels will auto-fill with the options saved in Statement Rules.  You may change any of these settings.  The Statement Date will default to today’s date, however you may change this if necessary.

After completing the statements rules, click on the Generate Preview button at the upper right of the page.

In a few seconds, the Deliver Customer Statements page will be displayed.  The grid contains all customers eligible for a statement according to the statement rules.  If you want to create and deliver the statements for all customers in the grid, check the box to the left of the Customer # column header.  If you want to select certain customers from the list, check the box to the left of each customer that will receive a statement.  

When finished, click the Deliver Customer Statements button at the bottom of the page.

Once statements have been generated, if any customers have a delivery method of print, you will need to manually print these statements.  Customers with a delivery method of email or mail, will automatically be delivered.

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