Detailed Sales Report

The Detailed Sales Report prints Invoices and Credits generated for a particular date range.  The data is grouped by Item Code, with a secondary sort on the invoice/credit date.   The Amounts on this report do not include sales tax. 

If inventory parts are on the invoice or credit, these are shown at the beginning of the report under the Item Code of Parts.  There is a parameter option labeled “Show Parts”.  If the report is generated with this option, the actual part numbers on the invoice or credit are listed.

Report Parameters

The parameters available for this report are:

  • Start and End Date
  • Show Parts

Generate the Detailed Sales Report

To generate this report, navigate to Reports > Sales > Detailed Sales Report.

The Detailed Sales Report page is displayed.  In the Parameters area, make the desired selections.  When finished, click on the Preview button.

The report results are based on the selections in the parameters area.  Users may use the function buttons to print or export the report.

Below is a sample of the report without selecting the “Show Parts” option.

Below is a sample of the report where the “Show Parts” option was selected.

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