Expired Credit Card Report

The Expired Credit Card Report prints a listing of customers setup with a credit card.  This report may be generated to view credit cards that will be expiring soon so that your staff may take proactive steps to obtain a new card number or new expiration date for the card(s) on file.

There are two different report styles; you may generate the report for credit card customers setup for auto-pay or all credit card customers.

Report Parameters

The parameters available for this report are:

  • Run Date
  • Is Auto Recurring

Generate the Expired Credit Card Report

To generate this report, navigate to Reports > Customer > Expired Credit Card Report.

The Expired Credit Card Report page is displayed.  In the Parameters area, make the desired selections.  When finished, click on the Preview button.

The report results are based on the selections in the parameters area.  Users may use the function buttons to print or export the report.

Below is a sample report where the “Is Auto Recurring” checkbox was selected.

Below is a sample report where the “Is Auto Recurring” checkbox was cleared.

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