Credit Card & eCheck Transactions

To access the CC/eCheck Transactions, from the main menu, select Accounts Receivable > Payments > CC/eCheck Transactions.

The CC/eCheck Transactions page will land on the Open tab.

Open Tab

The Open tab will display all transactions that are ready to be submitted for funding.  Below is a list of functions available from the Open tab.

  • Submit transactions for funding
  • View/Edit the details of a transaction
  • Void a non-submitted transaction
  • Export the list to Excel


Submit for Funding

Users have two options for submitting transactions for funding.

  • Click the Submit All button.  This will send all transactions in the list for funding.

  • Select specific transactions to submit by checking the box to the left of each item to submit for funding, and then click the Submit Selected button when finished.

View Transaction Detail

To view the details of a transaction, in the Transaction ID column, click on the hyperlink of the desired transaction.

The transaction will be displayed.  On the left side of the page, you are able to change the email address if needed – this is the address used to email a receipt to the customer.  You may also change the Transaction Date if necessary.  If any changes are made, click the Save button at the upper right of the page.

There are three other buttons at the upper right of this page.  Each will be explained below.

Submit Button 

Clicking this button will immediately submit the transaction for funding.

Customer Button  

Clicking this button will open the customer record associated with the transaction.

More Button 

Clicking this button will open a sub menu of choices.  The only two available are History and Void.

  • Selecting the History option will display any actions that have occurred for the transaction.

  • Selecting the Void option, will void the transaction and move it from the Open tab to the Voided tab.

Export to Excel

Clicking on the Export to Excel button will create an Excel file with a listing of the records currently shown in the grid.  In a few seconds, the export file will appear on the task bar.  Double-click on the file to open.

View Transactions by Date

At the upper right of the page is a date field.  If you want to view transactions with a date in the future, click on the calendar button to the right of the field to select a different date.

Denied/Rejected Tab

The Denied/Rejected tab will display all transactions that could not be funded.  This listing provides you with information so that you may contact your customer for payment arrangements.  When viewing the details of a transaction, the reason for the denial/rejection is displayed.

Below is a list of functions available from the Denied/Rejected tab.

  • View Denied or Rejected transactions
  • Group the list by Customer
  • View/Edit the details of a transaction
  • Re-submit for funding
  • Export the list to Excel
  • Remove transactions from the list

Group by Customer

Users are able to group the data displayed in the grid by one or multiple columns within the grid.

To group the data, hold the left-mouse button down on the column you want to group by, and then drag up into the grouping bar and release the mouse button.

Export to Excel

Clicking on the Export to Excel button will create an Excel file with a listing of the records currently shown in the grid.  In a few seconds, the export file will appear on the task bar.  Double-click on the file to open.

View Transaction Detail

To view the details of a transaction, in the Submitted column, click on the hyperlink of the desired transaction.  At the upper right of the details area, the Response Code field will provide information as to why the transaction did not fund.

At the upper right of the page, is the Customer button.  Clicking on this button will open the Customer record associated with the transaction.

Resubmit a Transaction

If you want to send a previously denied or rejected transaction for funding, click the Resubmit button on the row of the desired transaction.

A confirmation message will be displayed.  Click the Yes button to proceed with resubmitting the transaction for funding.

 Remove Transactions

The list of denied/rejected transactions will continue to grow as new transactions are denied funding.  You may hide some or all of the transactions from view.  To select all transactions, check the box to the left of the Submitted column header.  If you only want to remove some of the transactions, check the box to the left of each row.  When finished, click the Remove Selected button.

If you want to view previously removed transactions, click on the toggle button Show Removed Transactions at the upper right of the page. 

 Voided Tab

The Voided tab will display all transactions that were manually voided by a user.  

Below is a list of functions available from the Voided tab.

  • View Voided transactions
  • View/Edit the details of a transaction
  • Export to Excel
  • Remove transactions from the list

View Transaction Detail

To view the details of a transaction, in the Transaction Date column, click on the hyperlink of the desired transaction.  At the upper right of the page is the Customer button.  Clicking on this button will open the Customer record associated with the transaction.

Export to Excel

Clicking on the Export to Excel button will create an Excel file with a listing of the records currently shown in the grid.  In a few seconds, the export file will appear on the task bar.  Double-click on the file to open.

Remove Transactions

The list of voided transactions will continue to grow as new transactions are voided by users.  You may hide some or all of the transactions from view.  To select all transactions, check the box to the left of the Transaction Date column header.  If you only want to remove some of the transactions, check the box to the left of each row.  When finished, click the Remove Selected button.

If you want to view previously removed transactions, click on the toggle button Show Removed Transactions at the upper right of the page. 

Error Tab

The Error tab will display all transactions that could not be submitted for funding.  Our support technicians use this information in troubleshooting transactions that land on this page.

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