Add a Credit

Credits may be created for Items, Parts or Part Kits.  A credit may be created from a vendor record, by clicking on the Credits tab and then clicking on the New Credit button.  Credits may also be created from the Credits tab of the Bill List.   If you are entering several credits for multiple vendors, entering the credits from the Bills list is faster that opening each vendor record and entering the credits.

Navigate to Accounts Payable > Bills.  The Bills page will be displayed.  Click on the Credits tab, and then click on the New Credit button.


 The New Credit page will be displayed.  This page is comprised of two panels at the top, and four tabs in the lower area.

  • Upper Left Panel – As Items, Parts, or Part Kits are added to the credit, these amounts are automatically updated.
  • Upper Right Panel – This panel is considered the header of the credit.  Each data entry field will be described below.
  • Tabs Panel – Users may add any combination of Items, Parts or Part Kits to the credit.  The memo field is for internal company information only.

Data Entry Fields

Credit Header Information

  • Vendor – Select the Vendor from the drop-down list.
  • Purchase Order – If the credit is associated with a purchase order, make a selection from the drop-down list.
  • Ref. Number – This field is for the vendor’s credit memo number.
  • Work Order – If the credit is associated with a work order, make a selection from the drop-down list.
  • Warehouse – This field is not used at this time.
  • Direct Expense – If the items on the credit are being direct expensed, set the toggle button to Yes.
  • Term – Select the payment terms for the credit – typically Due Now.
  • Credit Date – This field will default to today’s date – enter the actual date from the vendor’s credit memo.
  • Due Date – The due date will automatically be calculated based upon the Term selected and the Credit Date entered.  This date may be overridden if necessary.
  • Total Amount – Once all items, parts, and/or part kits have been entered, enter the total amount of the credit with is displayed in the upper left panel of the credit page.

Once the header information has been entered, the user may begin adding items, parts, and/or part kits.

Add Items to the Credit

Click on the Items tab, and then click on the Add Items button.

The Add Items page will be displayed.  Check the box to the left of each item to add to the credit.  When finished, click on the Add Items button at the bottom of the page.   

The selected item(s) will be displayed in the grid area.  The quantity will default to 1, and the rate will default to zero.  

Click on the Edit button to open the Item Edit form.  Fill in the three fields on this form, and then click on the Save button when finished.   The description field is optional.

 Add Parts to the Credit

Click on the Parts tab, and then click on the Add Parts button.

The Add Parts page will be displayed.  Check the box to the left of each part to add to the credit.  When finished, click on the Add Parts button at the bottom of the page.

The selected part(s) will be displayed in the grid area.  The quantity will default to 1, and the rate will auto-fill with the amount from the part setup.  

If the quantity and/or the rate are incorrect, click on the Edit button to open the Part Edit form.   Fill in the three fields on this form, and then click on the Save button when finished.   The description field is optional.

Add a Part Kit to the Credit

Click on the Part Kits tab, and then click on the Add Part Kits button.

The Add Part Kits page will be displayed.  Check the box to the left of each part kit to add to the credit.  When finished, click on the Add Part Kits button at the bottom of the page.

The selected part kit(s) will be displayed in the grid area.  The quantity will default to 1, and the rate will default to the rate setup on the Part Kit setup.

To edit the quantity or Rate, click on the Edit button.  The Part Kit Edit form will be displayed.  Fill in the two fields on this form, and then click on the Save button when finished.

Add a Memo to the Credit

Clicking on the Memo tab opens a large text field to enter information pertinent to the credit.   The text entered is for internal company use.  A maximum of 250 characters is allowed.

When finished adding items, parts, and/or part kits to the credit, enter the total amount of the credit in the header area.  In the upper left panel, the total credit amount is displayed.  Click the Save button at the upper right of the page when finished.

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