Add a Manual Invoice

Manual invoices are created from a customer record.

Manual invoices may be created for several different situations including:

  • Over the counter part sales
  • Pro-rated recurring services
  • Permits & Fees
  • Invoicing a customer for NSF charges
  • Should have invoiced for charges on a work order, but the work order was closed without invoicing the customer.
  • Parts used on a work order were not invoiced on the work order invoice, and you need to invoice the customer and relieve inventory.

To add a manual invoice, from the main menu, arrive at the customers list with this path: CRM > Customers.

The customers list is displayed. Locate the customer in the list, and then click on the hyperlink in the Customer # column to open the customer record.

The customer record is displayed. Click the Invoices tab, and then click the New Invoice button.

There are three panels that comprise the Manual Invoice form.

  • The upper left panel displays the charges as items and/or parts including any applicable sales tax are added to the invoice — this is for information purposes.
  • The upper right panel displays what is referred to as the header of the invoice. Most of the header information defaults from settings on the customer record.
  • The bottom panel is where you select items and parts to be invoiced to the customer. There is also a Memo tab where you can enter up to 3,000 characters of text to print on the invoice.

Definitions of the data entry fields in the invoice header are shown below. Data entry fields with a red bullet next to the field name are required.

Instructions on how to select items and parts and enter a memo are also included in this article.

Data Entry Fields

Data entry fields preceded by an asterisk are required.

  • *Site: This field defaults to the first site created for the customer. You can change this to a different site.
  • Category: Make a selection from the drop-down list. This is the category for income and expenses on the invoice.
  • PO Number: If the customer has provided a purchase order number for invoicing, enter it here.
  • *Invoice Date: This defaults to today’s date, you can change it if necessary.
  • Due Date: The due date is automatically calculated based on the term code assigned to the invoice. This can be overr idden if necessary.
  • Contact:
  • Billing Address: Make a selection from the drop-down list.
  • *Sales Tax: This defaults to the Sales Tax code setup on the customer. This can be overridden if necessary.
  • *Term: This defaults to the term code setup on the customer. This can be overridden if necessary.
  • *Salesperson: This defaults to the Salesperson setup on the customer. This can be overridden if necessary.
  • Delivery Method: This defaults to the Delivery Method setup on the customer. This can be overridden if necessary.
  • Sales Package: This field is for future development.
  • Warehouse: If inventory parts are being sold on the invoice, select the warehouse from which the parts are being removed.
  • COGS Account: If inventory parts are being sold on the invoice, select the cost of goods sold G/L Account for the expense of the part.

Add Items to the Invoice

To select items to include on the invoice, click the Items tab, and then click the Add Items button.

The Add Items List is displayed. For each item you want to include on the invoice, select the checkbox to the left of the Item Code column. When finished, click the Add Items button at the bottom of the list.

Add Parts to the Invoice

To select parts to include on the invoice, click the Parts tab, and then click the Add Parts button.

The Add Parts list is displayed. For each part you want to include on the invoice, select the checkbox to the left of the Part Code column. When finished, click the Add Parts button at the bottom of the list.

Add Part Kits to the Invoice (Pro)

To select part kits to include on the invoice, click the Part Kits tab, and then click the Add Part Kits button.

The Add Part Kits list is displayed. For each part you want to include on the invoice, select the checkbox to the left of the Part Kit Code column. When finished, click the Add Part Kits button at the bottom of the list.

Add a Memo to the Invoice

To add a memo to the invoice (that will be printed), click the Memo tab. In the text box, type up to 3,000 characters of text to print on the invoice.

Saving the Invoice

When finished filling in the invoice header and making selections for items and parts, you are ready to save the invoice.

If the Delivery Method in the Invoice Header is set to:

  • Print — click the Save button.
  • Email or Mail — click the Save and Deliver button.
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