Add a Work Order

New work orders can be created from the Open Work Orders tab of the Work Order List or from a customer record.

Add a Work Order from the Open Work Orders Tab

To add a new Work Order from the Open Work Orders tab, from the main menu, navigate to Accounts Receivable > Work Orders. The Open Work Orders page opens. Click the New Work Order button.

The New Work Order dialog box opens. Select the Customer, Site, and System (selecting a System is optional but recommended). When finished, click the Ok button.

The New Work Order page opens. Most of the fields displayed in the upper right panel of the page auto-fill with information from the Customer, Site, and System. Any of this information can be changed if necessary. You can enter information into four optional fields.

  • Requested By: Type in the name of the person requesting this work order.
  • PO Number: If the customer has provided a purchase order number for billing purposes, enter that value into this field.
  • Technician: From the drop-down list, you select a preferred technician. This is for informational purposes, and will not schedule an appointment.
  • Warehouse: If parts are used on the work order, select the warehouse from which inventory will be relieved.

When finished, click the Save button at the upper right of the page.

Once the work order is saved, navigate to the various tabs to add appointments, items, parts, notes, etc.

Add a Work Order from a Customer Record

To add a new Work Order from a Customer record, from the main menu, navigate to CRM > Customers. 

The Customers list opens. Locate the customer in the list, and then click the hyperlink in the Customer # column to open the customer record.

The Customer record opens. Click the Work Orders tab, and then click the New Work Order button.

The New Work Order dialog box opens. Select the Customer Site and Customer System (selecting a System is optional but recommended). When finished, click the Ok button.

The New Work Order page opens. Most of the fields displayed in the upper right panel of the page auto-fill with information from the Customer, Site, and System. Any of this information can be changed if necessary. You can enter information into four optional fields.

  • Requested By: Type in the name of the person requesting this work order.
  • PO Number: If the customer has provided a purchase order number for billing purposes, enter that value into this field.
  • Technician: From the drop-down list, you select a preferred technician. This is for informational purposes, and will not schedule an appointment.
  • Warehouse: If parts are used on the work order, select the warehouse from which inventory will be relieved.

When finished, click the Save button at the upper right of the page.

Once the work order is saved, users may navigate to the various tabs to add appointments, items, parts, notes, etc.

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