How to Check if a User is Currently Logged into Managely

Managely provides users with the necessary access (Administrators or User Administration permission) the ability to see if or who is currently logged into the software.

How do I check if a user is currently logged into Managely?

Users with the necessary permission can simply click on the Setup -> User Manager option:

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

Note: This is accurate as the second it was accessed; To refresh the status, the refresh button on the bottom of the page can be used:

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

Administrators will see this option being grayed out when creating users, the field is not to give the online access to a user, it is simply an informational field.

 Note: Online is strictly an informational field, is available when Administrators are creating users as being grayed out, it cannot be toggled to on or off or check marked as enabled, since it is only an informational field that plays its role in the screen above and not when creating the user(s).

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