Delete an RMR Group

To delete an RMR Group, from the main menu, arrive at the RMR Groups setup with this path: Setup > Other > RMR Groups.

The RMR Groups list will be displayed.  Locate the RMR Group you want to delete, and then click on the Delete button (trash can icon).

Note:  When the User selects Yes to accept the deletion of the record, this does not delete the value from the database, however marks the record as “Inactive”.  In most cases, if a setup value was previously marked as “deleted”, a user is able to re-activate the deleted [inactivated] record.  When selecting to view Inactive Only records, items that were previously “deleted”, will appear in the inactive list.


A confirmation message will be displayed.  Click the Yes button to proceed with the deletion (inactivation) (inactivation) of the record.

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