Unapplied Payments

The Unapplied Payments list helps companies manage unapplied payments.  From this listing, you may view all customers with unapplied payments and apply to invoices from the listing.

If a customer has more than one unapplied payment, each unapplied item is listed and the user can select which payment to apply to invoices.

  When applying an unapplied payment, the software will automatically apply as much of the payment as possible to the oldest invoices first.

Viewing the Unapplied Payments List

To access the Unapplied Payments list, from the main menu, select Accounts Receivable > Payments > Unapplied Payments.

The Unapplied Payments List will be displayed.

The Balance Due column will display the total of all open invoices minus any unapplied credits on the customer’s account.  If the Balance Due is zero or a negative value, you would not be able to apply the unapplied payment at this time.

The Unapplied Cash column displays the available amount that may be applied to invoices.

You may sort the grid area by clicking on any of the column headers.


Clicking on the “+” sign to the left of a customer will display all unapplied payments for the customer.

Apply a Payment

While viewing the Unapplied Payments listing, click the “+” sign to the left of the customer for whom you want to apply an unapplied payment.

Locate the payment to be applied, and then click on the Apply button.

The software will automatically apply as much of the payment as possible to the oldest invoices first.

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