Bills/Credits/Receipts List

When accessing the Bills List (Accounts Payable > Bills), three tabs are displayed: Bills, Receipts, and Credits.  Each tab will be explained below.

Bills Tab

The Bills tab displays all bills with an amount due.  At the upper right of the page will show the total amount of all open bills and the total due.

Functions available from this tab:

  • Add a new bill.
  • Export the currently viewed grid data to an Excel file.
  • Click on the toggle button to show both paid and unpaid bills.
  • Select additional or different columns to display in the grid area, and save as a custom grid layout.
  • Click on the hyperlink of a Reference # to open the bill record.
  • Click on the hyperlink of a Vendor to open the vendor record.
  • Sort the grid on any of the column headers.
  • Group the grid data by one or more columns.
  • Create filters to refine the data displayed.


Receipts Tab

The Receipts tab displays all with an amount due.  At the upper right of the page will show the total amount of all open receipts and the total due.

Functions available from this tab:

  • Add a new receipt.
  • Export the currently viewed grid data to an Excel file.
  • Click on the toggle button to show all receipts.
  • Select additional or different columns to display in the grid area, and save as a custom grid layout.
  • Click on the hyperlink of a Reference # to open the receipt record.
  • Click on the hyperlink of a Vendor to open the vendor record.
  • Sort the grid on any of the column headers.
  • Group the grid data by one or more columns.
  • Create filters to refine the data displayed.

 Credits Tab

The Credits tab displays all credits with an unapplied amount.  The upper right of the page will show the total amount of all open credits and the total due.

Functions available from this tab:

  • Add a new credit.
  • Export the currently viewed grid data to an Excel file.
  • Click on the toggle button to show both applied and unapplied credits.
  • Select additional or different columns to display in the grid area, and save as a custom grid layout.
  • Click on the hyperlink of a Reference # to open the bill record.
  • Click on the hyperlink of a Vendor to open the vendor record.
  • Sort the grid on any of the column headers.
  • Group the grid data by one or more columns.
  • Create filters to refine the data displayed.

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