Add a Payment Batch

For payments received by check or cash, payment batches are manually created to enter customer payments.

To enter a new payment batch, from the main menu, select Accounts Receivable, and then select Payments.

The Deposits List will be displayed.  Click on the New Payment Batch button at the top of the page.

The New Payment Batch will be displayed.  This page is divided into two panels.  The upper panel is where you enter the payment information.  As payments are entered, they will appear in the lower panel.

There are three buttons at the upper right of the page:

  • Save Progress – If you are entering payments however, you are not finished for the day, clicking this button will save the payments and allow you to return to the new batch to enter more payments.  To add to the batch, from the Deposits page, click on the New Payment Batch button.
  • Clear Batch – Clicking this button will remove all payments entered into the new batch.
  • Apply Batch – Once all payments have been entered, clicking this button will complete the batch and assign a batch number.  Once you have clicked this button, you may not add, edit or delete any of the payment records in the batch.

Before entering payments into the batch, it is a good idea to run a tape total for all the payments that will be entered, so that you will know if the amounts were entered correctly.

The data entry fields are described below.

Payment Data Entry Fields

  • Bank Account – From the drop-down list, select the bank account into which the payments will be deposited.
  • Batch Date – This field with auto-fill with today’s date.  This may be changed if necessary.
  • Customer – If you know the customer number, type it into this field.  If the customer is found, the customer number and name will appear in a gray box – click on the gray box if this is the correct customer number.  You may also click on the drop-down arrow to the right of the field to scroll through the list of customers.
  • Invoice – From the drop-down list, select the invoice the customer is paying.  If the payment is not being applied to an invoice, skip this field.
  • Amount – Enter the amount of the payment.
  • Check Number – Enter the check number.
  • Late Fee – If some or all of the payment is being applied to late fees, type in the amount.
  • Customer Balance – This is a display only field that shows the customer’s current account balance.
  • Customer Late Fee Due – This is a display only field that shows the total accrued late fees on the customer’s account.

When finished entering the payment, click the Add To Batch button.  Continue this process until all payments have been entered.  If you have a large number of payments to enter, periodically click the Save Progress button.

When all payments have been entered, compare the batch Total to your tape total.  If the two amounts are not the same, review the payments entered to the actual checks to find what caused the variance.

If you find a payment was entered incorrectly, click the Edit button on the payment row.  The Edit Batch Payment form will be displayed.  Make the necessary correction, and then click the Save button when finished.

Once all payments have been entered, and you have verified the total is correct, click on the Apply Batch button located at the upper right of the page.

  Once the Apply Batch button is clicked, you may not add, edit or delete any of the payment records in the batch.

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