Email or Print a Purchase Order

To print or email a purchase order to the vendor, open the purchase order record from either the Open Purchase Order list or from the Vendor record.

Once the purchase order is displayed, click on the Deliver button at the upper right of the page.

Email a Purchase Order

To email the purchase order, click the Email option.


The Email Purchase Order dialog box will be displayed.   If there is an email address setup on the vendor, this will auto-fill into the Email field.  If you want to send to a different email address or if no email address is on file for the vendor, type in the desired email address.   Click the Email button when finished.   The purchase order will be sent as a .pdf attachment to the email.


Print a Purchase Order

To print or preview the purchase order, click on either the Preview or Print option.

Both options will create a .pdf file and will appear on your windows tray.  Double-click on the .pdf file to open for viewing.  If you want to save a copy of the purchase order, once the file is open, click the download arrow to save to the desired location.

If selecting the preview option, if you are satisfied with the purchase order, click again on the Deliver button and select the Print option.

 Sample Purchase Order

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