Q: Am I on my organization's login page?

A: The URL of your login page should have your organization's name in it. For example, for the company "Best Security" the URL would be bestsecurity.managelyapp.com.

Q: What should the format of my username be?

A: Your username can be whatever format your Managely administrator chooses, please reach out to them for your username. If you have self-registered, your username would be the email you registered with.

Q: What are the password requirements?

A: The password must meet the following requirements:

  • Be at least 10 characters
  • At least one letter
  • At least one capital letter
  • At least one number
  • At least one symbol

Q: Will Managely automatically log out?

A: After 60 seconds of inactivity, a pop-up will warn you that you are about to be logged out. You will have the choice to continue being logged in.

Q: Will Managely work with my browser?

A: Managely is made to work with all current browsers like Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, and Firefox. 

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