Customer Sales Report

The Sales by Salesperson Report prints a list of Recurring, Work Order, and Manual Invoices and Credits for each Salesperson that meet the criteria of the options selected.  The amounts on this report include sales tax.

There are three versions of this report available:

  • Summary (default) - prints the total invoices, credits, and the net sales amount for each customer.
  • Sales by Customer Salesperson (Detail) - prints the invoices, credits, and net sales amount for each invoice type and is sorted and grouped by the salesperson assigned to the customer.
  • Sales by Invoice Salesperson (Detail) - prints the invoices, credits, and net sales amount for each invoice type and is sorted and grouped by the salesperson selected on the invoice or credit.

Report Parameters

The parameters available for this report are:

  • Start and End Date
  • Group By (select only one)
    • Default (summary report)
    • Customer Salesperson (detail report)
    • Invoice Salesperson (detail report)

Generate the Customer Sales Report

To generate this report, navigate to Reports > Sales > Customer Sales Report.

The Customer Sales Report page is displayed.  In the Parameters area, make the desired selections.  When finished, click on the Preview button.

The report results are based on the selections in the parameters area.  Users may use the function buttons to print or export the report.

Below is a sample of the Sales by Invoice Salesperson style report.

Below is a sample of the Sales by Customer style report.

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