Invoicing from a Work Order

To complete and invoice a work order, access the work order from the customer record or by selecting the work order from Accounts Receivable > Work Orders > Open Work Orders tab.

Once the work order is open on your screen, click the Edit button at the upper right of the page.

Review information on each of the tabs of the work order.

Appointments Tab

Make certain all technician appointments have been completely dispatched and the dates/times are correct. Also, review the calculated labor charges for accuracy. To review the dispatch dates/times, click the edit button (pencil icon) to open the appointment information.

If dispatch times were entered incorrectly, these can be modified. If any changes are made, click the Save button at the bottom of the Edit Appointment form.

Items Tab

Review the items added to the list to ensure correct pricing and the descriptions that will print on the invoice are customer-friendly.

If the quantity or the pricing is incorrect, double-click on the row to edit the information. If any changes are made, click OK at the bottom of the Edit Work Order Item form.

Parts Tab

Review the parts used and verify the correct warehouse is selected (in the header of the work order) for issuing the parts. Make certain the correct part numbers are selected and the prices are correct.

If the incorrect part was selected, click the delete button (trashcan icon) of the part row to remove it, and then add the correct part.

If the part is correct, but the quantity or price is incorrect, double-click on the part row to edit the information.

If any changes are made, click OK at the bottom of the Edit Work Order Part form.


If RMR was sold on the work order, verify the information is correct. Double-click the RMR row to view the details. If any of the information is incorrect, make the necessary changes and save.

Billing Tab

The Billing tab displays several options, each of which is explained below.

Billing Options

  • Do Not Invoice — If there are billable charges on the work order and you want to waive all charges, set the toggle button to On.
  • Deliver Invoice — Once the invoice is saved, if the customer’s delivery method is email or mail, setting this toggle button to On will automatically deliver the invoice to the customer.
  • Activation Date — If a new system was installed on this work order, enter the activation date.
  • Next Invoice Date — This field is not used at this time.
  • Override Warranty — If the site or system associated with the work order is still covered by the initial warranty, and the customer caused the damage, you can override the warranty by setting this toggle button to On. Charges will be recalculated based on the business rules of the site or system’s service level.
  • Remove Service Fee — If you do not want to charge the customer the default service fee, set this toggle button to On.
  • Hide Totals — Use this to hide the totals on the invoice.
  • Invoice Memo — You can type text into this field, which will print on the customer’s invoice. A maximum of 2,000 characters is allowed.
  • Credit Card — If the customer has a credit card on file and has authorized your company to charge the credit card for the work order billable charges, click on the drop-down arrow to select the credit card. If the customer has provided a new credit card, click the New CC button to enter the credit card information.
  • eCheck — If the customer has an eCheck bank account on file and has authorized your company to debit their bank account for the work order billable charges, click on the drop-down arrow to select the eCheck bank. If the customer has provided a new bank account, click the New EC button to enter the information.
  • Printed Name — Type the name of the customer who approved the work performed.
  • Signature — If your technicians are using the mobile application, they will have the customer sign to approve the work performed.

Notes Tab

Read the notes to see if any parts were used. Check the Parts tab to make certain the parts were entered. Reading the notes can help to determine whether some or all of the work order charges are billable.

Make certain there are no typos or misspelled words in the note; correct if needed.

If your company has activated the Customer Portal option, when your customer logs into the portal, they will be able to read notes on their account that are set to customer access level.

System Parts Tab

If parts were replaced, make certain to enter the removal date on the part that was replaced.

System Notes Tab

The notes displayed are mostly for informational purposes. If the technician observed any noteworthy conditions, enter a system note.

Documents Tab

If it is your company’s policy for technicians to take pictures of site or system conditions, and the technicians are using the mobile application, they can upload pictures to the work order. Even if your company is not using the mobile application, you can upload as many pertinent documents as needed.

Custom Fields Tab

If your company has set up custom fields for work orders, make certain selections have been made according to your company’s policies and procedures.

Once the Work Order has been reviewed and is ready for invoicing, you have two options:

  • Change the Work Order Status to Completed, and then create the invoice/close the work order.
  • Change the Work Order Status to Ready To Bill, which will add the work order to the Ready To Bill Work Orders tab from Accounts Receivable > Work Orders.

Complete / Invoice / Close

When using this option, make certain you are in edit mode for the work order.

  1. In the work order header, change the Status to Completed.
  2. Changing the Status to Completed will take you to the Billing tab. If you do not already have a printed name and signature, you must fill in both of these required fields.
  3. Click the Complete button at the upper right of the page. You should receive a confirmation message indicating the customer invoice was successfully saved.

Sending a Work Order to the Ready To Bill Work Orders List

When using this option, make certain you are in edit mode for the work order.

  1. Click on the Billing tab. If you do not already have a printed name and signature, you must fill in both of these required fields.
  2. In the work order header, change the Status to Ready To Bill.
  3. Click the Save button at the upper right of the page.

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