Apply a Credit

If a credit was created for a customer, and there were no open invoices to apply the credit at the time of creation, you can manually apply credits to customer invoices when a new invoice is saved.

To apply a credit, you must first open the customer record.

From the main menu, arrive at the Customers list with this path: CRM > Customers.

The Customers list opens. Locate the customer in the list, and then click on the hyperlink in the Customer # column to open the customer record.

The Customer record opens. Click on the Credits tab. A list of all credits for the customer will be shown in the grid area. For the credit you want to apply, click the Apply button on the credit in the grid.

The Apply Credit page opens. If there are invoices with a balance greater than zero, they are listed in the grid.

In the Apply column, type in the amount of the credit you want to apply to the invoice. You can apply the credit to multiple invoices as long as you do not exceed the amount of the credit.

When finished, click the Apply Credits button at the upper right of the page.

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