Funded Transactions Report

The Funded Transactions report is designed to print a listing of EFT transactions based on the status of the transaction. This report has three options to include one or more transaction statuses:

  • Start Date and End Date
  • Funded: Selecting this option will show all transactions that were funded for the period of time selected.
  • Rejected: Selecting this option will show all transactions that were declined or rejected for the period of time selected. This report is used to contact your customers for updated payment information or to make payment arrangements.
  • Pending: Selecting this option will show all transactions that have not yet been submitted for funding.

Subtotals print for each unique status, and a grand total will print on the last page of the report.

Report Parameters

The parameters available for this report are:

  • Start and End Date
  • Transaction Statuses: Funded, Rejected or Pending. You can select any combination.
  • Order By
  • Branch

Generate the Funded Transaction Report

To generate this report, navigate to Reports > Accounts Receivable > Funded Transactions.

The Funded Transactions page will be displayed.  Enter the desired parameters, and then click the Preview button.

The report results are displayed based upon the selections in the parameters area. Users may use the function buttons to print or export the report.

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