Add an Invoice Item

To add a new Invoice Item, from the main menu, arrive at the Invoice Items setup with this path: Setup > Items & Parts > Items.

The Invoice Items list will be displayed.  Click on the Add Item button at the upper left of the form.

 The Invoice Item form will be displayed.   Each data entry field will be below.

Data Entry Fields

Data entry fields preceded by an asterisk are required.

  • *Item Code – Enter a code for the item.  Maximum of 25 characters allowed.  The Item Code does not print on customer invoices or credits.
  • *Description – Enter a long description for the Item.  Maximum of 150 characters allowed.  When using this Item on customer invoices or credits, this description will print.
  • Type – Make a selection from the drop-down list.  These values are created and maintained in the Types setup table.  Setup > Items & Parts > Types.
  • Sub-Type – If sub-types have been created for the Type (previous field), make a selection from the drop-down list.   Sub-types are entered and maintained in Setup > Items & Parts > Types.
  • *Revenue GL – Select the appropriate GL Account from the drop-down list.
  • Deferred Income – If this Invoice Item is for a recurring type service and your company is deferring income, select your company’s deferred GL Account from the drop-down list.
  • Default Rate – If your company charges the same price most of the time, you may enter a default rate.
  • Cost – If there is a known cost associated with this Invoice Item, enter the amount.
  • Labor Units – This field is for future development.
  • Taxable – If this Invoice Item is taxable, set the toggle button to Yes.
  • Recurring Item – If this Invoice Item is a recurring service, set the toggle button to Yes.
  • Non-Deferred – If this Invoice Item is a recurring type service, but you do not want to defer income for this item, set the toggle button to No.

When finished, click the Save button at the bottom of the form.

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