Add System Zones

Companies have the ability to enter a Zone List for a System.  The data entry and maintenance of zones, allows your company to enter the zone number (if a monitored device), a signal type (must first setup values in Setup > Other > Signal Types), an authority (must first setup values in Setup > Other > Authorities [AHJ]), and a description.

You also have the ability to enter a zone list at the site level if necessary.  Typically, zones are attached to a System record.

To add a Zone List to an existing System, you must begin by accessing a Customer record.  If you are entering zones at the Site level, then follow the instructions below and on the following pages.

From the main menu, arrive at the Customers list with this path: Accounts Receivable> Customers.

The Customers list will be displayed.  Locate the Customer, and then click on the hyperlink in the Customer # column to open the customer record.

The Customer record will be displayed.  Click on the Sites/Systems tab, and then in the Site Number column, click on the hyperlink of the desired Site.

The Site record will be displayed.  If you are entering zones at the Site level, click on the Zones tab.  Follow the instructions for adding zones at the system level.

Click on the Systems tab.  A list of Systems attached to the Site will be listed in the grid area.  In the System Number column, click on the hyperlink of the desired System.

The System record will be displayed.  Click on the Zones tab, and then click on the Add Zone button.

The Add (zone) form will be displayed.  The data entry fields are described below.

Data entry fields preceded with an asterisk are required.  

  • *Zone # – Enter the zone number.
  • Signal Type – Make a selection from the drop-down list.  Signal types are maintained in Setup > Other > Signal Types.
  • Authority – Make a selection from the drop-down list.  Authorities are maintained in Setup > Other > Authorities.
  • Description – Typically, this is the physical location of the device for the zone.

When finished, click the Save button.  Repeat this process to add additional zones.

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