Print Invoices and Credits

For customers where the delivery method on the customer setup is set to print, invoices and credits will be sent to a delivery queue for printing.   When invoices are selected for printing, a .pdf file is created for all of the selected items.  The .pdf file may be download for printing invoices on your local printer.

To print one or more invoices or credits, from the main menu, arrive at the Invoices page with this path: Accounts Receivable> Invoices.

From the Invoices page, click on the Invoices/Credits Not Delivered tab.  A list of all invoices and credits that have not been marked as delivered will be shown in the grid area.  To select all invoices and credits, check the box to the left of the Inv/Cr# column header to mark all records.  If you want to print selected invoices and credits, check the box to the left of each invoice.  When finished, click the Deliver Selected button.


 In a few seconds, the file will appear on the task bar.   Double-click on the file to open. 

Sample Invoice

Mark as Delivered

If there are certain invoices or credits in the Invoices/Credits Not Delivered list which you do not want to print, these will need to be marked as delivered.  Otherwise those items will remain in the list indefinitely.

To mark one or more invoices or credits as delivered, from the main menu, arrive at the Invoices page with this path: Accounts Receivable> Invoices.

From the Invoices page, click on the Invoices/Credits Not Delivered tab.  A list of all invoices and credits that have not been marked as delivered will be shown in the grid area.  Check the box to the left of each invoice and or credit which you want to mark as delivered.   When finished, click the Mark Selected as Delivered button.

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