RMA Return Merchandise Authorization

The Return Merchandise Authorization page shows all RMAs that have been created. It is also for creating RMAs. (Inventory > RMA) 

It is also possible to generate an RMA from four areas: a bill, a receipt, a work order, and a miscellaneous part return.

The grid on this page shows these columns:

  • RMA #: This is the number automatically assigned to an RMA. This is a hyperlink to the RMA details.
  • Type
  • Repair Order
  • Vendor
  • Reference
  • Order Date

When creating an RMA, choose a Type from between Direct Expense (from a work order/issue) or Return from Warehouse. Also, choose if it is a repair order or not indicated by the "Receive Parts back?" option.

Direct Expense requires a work order and issue. Once an issue is selected, the parts grid populates with all the parts from the issue. Enter a quantity to return by clicking in the grid.

For Return from Warehouse RMAs, select a warehouse and vendor, and choose parts from that warehouse in the grid.

When a Repair Order is created (Receive Parts Back? option is selected), enter a quantity not greater than the quantity issued.

When all received quantities match the return quantity, close the Repair Order.

When creating an RMA:

These are the fields when creating an RMA:

The Type field has two choices:

  • Direct Expense – Selected this if the RMA is related to a work order to credit the job costing for the amount of the return. This is selected by default when generating an RMA from a work order.
  • Return from Warehouse – Selected this for parts being removed from inventory and returned to the Vendor.

Receive Parts Back? – Use this to specify whether the RMA is expecting the vendor to send a replacement or repaired part. Different fields display based on yes or no.

If the Receive Parts Back? is No:

  • o Work Order – Select the work order for the RMA. (Required)
  • Issue – Select the issue number for the RMA. (Required)
  • Vendor – Select the vendor to receive the returned parts. (Required)
  • Category – Select the appropriate category code.
  • Branch – This field is automatically filled if a warehouse is selected.
  • Reference – Typically used for the return authorization number provided by the vendor.
  • Order Date – Enter the date the parts are being sent back to the vendor.
  • Purchase Order – Select the purchase order number if there is one.
  • Memo – Type additional notes in the memo.

If the Receive Parts Back? is Yes:

  • Work Order – Select the work order for the RMA. (Required)
  • Issue – Select the issue number for the RMA. (Required)
  • Vendor – Select the vendor to receive the returned parts. (Required)
  • Reference – Typically used for the return authorization number provided by the vendor.
  • Receive Date – Enter the date the parts are received back from the vendor.
  • Order Date – Enter the date the parts are being sent out for repair.
  • Purchase Order – Select the purchase order number if there is one.
  • Memo – Type additional notes in the memo.

A return has GL transactions like receipts, but there is a debit to open receipts and a credit to inventory until the return is turned into a credit if receiving a replacement or repaired part. The credit can be applied to the bill created after receiving the replacement or repaired part.

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