General Ledger (GL)
To access the general ledger (GL Ledger), click GL in the sidebar: The GL Register is displayed. Click the General Journal Entries button at the upper right of the page. The General Ledger Entries page is displayed. This page will present ...
General Ledger Overview
Managely is a complete financial application, from billing to financial statements. As a single software program, all the modules within the application are designed so all the financial transactions are immediately posted to the general ledger. M...
Add a General Journal Entry
To add a new General Journal Entry, navigate to GL from any of the three module menus (Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, or Inventory). The GL Register will be displayed. Click on the Add General Journal Entry button located at the upper righ...
Delete a General Journal Entry
Only General Journal Entries may be deleted. Any journal entries created by a user transaction may not be deleted. To delete a General Journal Entry, navigate to GL from any of the modules. The GL Register will be displayed. In the Account Numbe...
Edit a General Journal Entry
Only General Journal Entries may be edited. Any journal entries created by a user transaction may not be edited. To edit a General Journal Entry, navigate to GL Register from any of the modules. The GL Register will be displayed. In the Account ...
General Journal Entry Overview
The majority of Journal Entries posted to the General Ledger are performed automatically when a transaction is saved by a user. Nearly every company will still need to create manual journal entries as a part of normal bookkeeping such as depreciatio...
Manual Journal Entry Import (Pro)
When entering a journal entry manually, you have the option to use an import when there are multiple similar entries for the date. Be sure the multiple entries are for the same:
How to use the Impo...