

Branch Management (Pro)
Branching is a feature that separates General Ledger activity and records the activity to the branch specified. This feature adds the ability to specify a branch for any entity in the application that would affect the General Ledger to ensure that...
Add a Branch
A Branch is any grouping of G/L data within the Company, such as a remote office, acquisition, or even another entity. Branches are used primarily for financial reporting purposes. You must create at least one Branch record. From the main men...
Delete a Branch
To delete a Branch, from the main menu, arrive at the Branches setup with this path: Setup > Accounting > Branches. The Branches list will be displayed. Locate the Branch you want to delete, and then click on the Delete button. Note : When the yo...
Edit a Branch
To edit a Branch, from the main menu, arrive at the Branches setup with this path: Setup > Accounting > Branches. The Branches list will be displayed.  Locate the Branch you want to edit, and then click on the Edit button. The Edit Branch form ...