

Proposals Overview
Proposals are used to list items your business wants to sell to a prospective customer or an existing customer. A proposal is comprised of one or multiple elements: Items, Inventory Parts, or RMR. You can see the costs connected to the elements ...
Proposal Approval Process
Users can submit proposals for approval when the proposals follow approval rules. This is the general proposal approval process: Setup Turn on proposal approval: System Defaults > Require Proposal Approval = YES (Do not set this to NO if any pr...
Add a Proposal using a Sales Package
A new proposal can be created from a customer record or from the proposals list. This article addresses creating a proposal using a sales package. Note : To be able to create a proposal for a sales lead, you must first create a customer, site, and...
Charge First RMR Cycle - Proposals
When you add RMR to a proposal and specify Charge First Cycle on the RMR, Managely includes the charges associated with that RMR on the proposal, represented by an item. This also changes the date associated with the RMR’s cycle start date, moving ...
Proposal Items
You can add items to a proposal when creating the proposal or when editing an existing proposal. If you are using approval rules, changing a proposal can send the proposal through the approval process again. To add items to a proposal, click the ...
How to Check Proposal History in Managely
In Managely, users can check the history of a proposal with just a few clicks. To check the history, follow the steps below: Open the proposal in question. Click the more button the top right corner. Click on the history button....
Managely eLearning - Managely: Accounts Receivable - Customer Setup and Proposals
Click here to view in full screen ...
Managely Defect Work Around - Ungrouped Displays on Proposal
In Managely version if a Dealer prints out the default proposal PDF it will display the parts as ungrouped. Below is a work around for this issue until the defect is corrected.   Create a proposal like you normally would and add your pa...
Proposal Part Kits (Pro)
The Part Kits tab shows both the part kits and all associated parts underneath. If you change the sales package on the proposal, the part kits from the new sales package will be pulled in and any older part kits will be removed from the proposa...