Work Order Status


Work Order Status Overview
Work Order Statuses are used to track the progress of a Work Order.  When a new Work Order is created, the system will automatically set the work order status to New.  When the work order has been marked as completed, the work order status will auto...
Add a Work Order Status
From the main menu, arrive at the Work Order Statuses setup with this path: Setup > Operations > Work Order Status. The Work Order Status list will be displayed.  Click on the Add Work Order Status button at the upper left of the form. ...
Delete a Work Order Status
To delete a Work Order Status, from the main menu, arrive at the Work Order Statuses setup with this path: Setup > Operations > Work Order Statuses. The Work Order Status list will be displayed.  Locate the Work Order Status you want to delete, and...
Edit a Work Order Status
To edit a Work Order Status, from the main menu, arrive at the Work Order Statuses setup with this path: Setup > Operations > Work Order Statuses. The Work Order Statuses list will be displayed.  Locate the Work Order Status you want to edit, and t...