

Tags Overview
Tags are available for use when creating a task related to a customer or a sales lead within a proposal.  Tags allow you to create a Task and assign to a user for an action that needs to be taken.    Each Tag may be assigned for use with a Task...
Add a Tag
To add a new Tag, navigate to Setup > Operations > Tags. The Tags list will be displayed.  Click on the Add Tag button located at the upper left of the page. The Add Tag form will be displayed. Data Entry Fields ...
Delete a Tag
Tags may be deleted if necessary.   Note :  When the User selects Yes to accept the deletion of the record, if that record had previously been assigned to a Task, the record will not be deleted from the database, however, will be marked as “in...
Edit a Tag
Tags may be edited; however, keep in mind if you change the Entity field and that tag had already been used, this will break the link assigned to an existing Task.  Further, if you change the Tag Name to have a completely different purpose, this wil...