Signal Types


Signal Types Overview
If a customer System is monitored by your company or a third-party provider, and you create a zone list for the monitored system, you may link a zone to a Signal Type. Signal Types are a field on the System / Zone setup form.  For companies that ar...
Add a Signal Type
To add a new Signal Type, from the main menu, arrive at the Signal Types setup with this path: Setup > Other > Signal Types. The Signal Types list will be displayed.  Click on the Add Signal Type button at the upper left of the form.   The Signa...
Delete a Signal Type
To delete a Signal Type, from the main menu, arrive at the Signal Types setup with this path: Setup > Other > Signal Types. The Signal Types list will be displayed.  Locate the Signal Type you want to delete, and then click on the Delete button (tr...
Edit a Signal Type
To edit a Signal Type, from the main menu, arrive at the Signal Types setup with this path: Setup > Other > Signal Types. The Signal Types list will be displayed.  Locate the Signal Type you want to edit, and then click on the Edit button (pencil i...