Proposal Types


Proposal Type Overview
Proposal Types are used to identify the proposal.  When a creating a new proposal, the Proposal Type is a required field.   When viewing the list of open or completed proposals, the user may sort and/or filter on the Proposal Type. Examples of ...
Add a Proposal Type
Proposal Types are used to identify the proposal.  When a creating a new proposal, the Proposal Type is a required field.   When viewing the list of open or completed proposals, the user may sort and/or filter on the Proposal Type. To add a new...
Delete a Proposal Type
To delete a Proposal Type, from the main menu, arrive at the Proposal Types setup with this path: Setup > Proposals > Proposal Types. The Proposal Types list will be displayed.  Locate the record you want to delete, and then click on the Delete...
Edit a Proposal Type
A Proposal Type may be edited at any time.  However, keep in mind, if a change is made, this will affect all open and closed proposals where the original proposal type was used. To edit a Proposal Type, from the main menu, arrive at the Proposa...