

Parts Overview
The Parts setup table is used to create and maintain inventory part information. If inventory tracking is enabled (Setup > Company > Preferences > Inventory – Enable Inventory field), all part transactions will be recorded to the general ledger for...
Add a Part
The Parts setup table is used to create new inventory parts and maintain existing records. To add a new Part, from the main menu, arrive at the Parts setup with this path: Setup > Items & Parts > > Parts. The Parts list will be displayed.  Cli...
Delete a Part
To delete a Part, from the main menu, arrive at the Item Parts setup with this path: Setup > Items & Parts > Parts. The Parts list will be displayed.  Locate the Part you want to delete, and then click on the Delete button (trash can icon). Note ...
Edit a Part
To edit a Part, from the main menu, arrive at the Parts setup with this path: Setup > Items & Parts > Parts. The Parts list will be displayed.  Locate the Part you want to edit, and then click on the Edit button (pencil icon).    The Parts form ...
Order Parts by Phases
In the work order Parts tab, you can order parts by phases. As you order parts, if you are not using phases, leave the Order Parts by Phases switch set to No: If you are using phases, change the Order Parts by Phases switch to Yes: This sho...