Part Kits


Part Kits Overview
A Part Kit combines several parts under a Part Kit label.  These kits are typically purchased and sold as one part.  Kits may be selected on a Purchase Order.  When doing so, all the individual parts that comprise the kit will appear on the Parts ta...
Add a Part Kit
To create a new Part Kit, navigate to Setup > Items & Parts > Part Kits. The Part Kits listing will be displayed.  Click on the Add Part Kit button at the upper left of the page.   The Part Kit Edit form will be displayed.   Each data entry fiel...
Delete a Part Kit
Users may delete a Part Kit if necessary. Note :  When opting to delete a Part Kit, the software does not delete the record, but marks the record as inactive. To delete a Part Kit, navigate to Setup > Items & Parts > Part Kits. The Part Kits lis...
Edit a Part Kit
Users may edit the Part Kit information or any of the parts contained within the Part Kit. To edit a Part Kit, navigate to Setup > Items & Parts > Part Kits. The Part Kits listing will be displayed.  Locate the Part Kit, and then click on the Edit...
Delete Parts within a Part Kit
Users may delete Parts contained within a Part Kit. To delete a Part within a Part Kit, navigate to Setup > Items & Parts > Part Kits. The Part Kits listing will be displayed.   Locate the Part Kit, and click the “+” sign to the left.  This will d...
Edit Parts Within a Part Kit
Users may edit the Parts contained within a Part Kit. To edit a Part within a Part Kit, navigate to Setup > Items & Parts > Part Kits. The Part Kits listing will be displayed.  Locate the Part Kit, and click the “+” sign to the left.  This will di...