Part Kit Changes (Enterprise)


Part Kits tab on Invoices and Credits (Enterprise)
Invoices and credits now have a Part Kits tab. To see the parts in the kit: Expand the part kit. Edit an invoice to add and remove part kits, and edit their quantities. ...
Part Kits tab on Work Orders (Enterprise)
The Part Kits tab is on work orders and the ability to add part kits to work orders. The tab has a grid displaying information about the part kits; total part kit amounts are at the top right. (Part kits can be set taxable or not taxable from th...
Purchasing Part Kits to Sell Parts Individually (Enterprise)
The part kits were previously using the cost set on the part itself, which caused discrepancies with the standard cost of the part from the warehouse. Now, the part kit includes a Standard Cost field, which is used as the part cost. If a parts kit ...