

Current RMR Listing Report
This report is a detailed listing of RMR by each customer, for both active and cancelled RMR.  There are no date parameters, as this report is a snapshot in time. Report Parameters The parameters available for this report are: Select a single ...
Customer Auto Pay Report
This report lists all customers that have a customer bank and/or credit card flagged for auto-pay.  The report is sorted in customer number order. There are no input Parameters for this report. Generate the Customer Auto Pay Report To generate th...
Expired Credit Card Report
The Expired Credit Card Report prints a listing of customers setup with a credit card.  This report may be generated to view credit cards that will be expiring soon so that your staff may take proactive steps to obtain a new card number or new expir...
Mail/Email Summary
The Mail/Email Summary is a utility that tracks emails sent to and received from customers.  This page contains three tabs: Emails, Incoming Emails, and Outgoing Emails.   The information on each tab cannot be sent to a printer, however, it may be e...
RMR 12 Month Roll-Forward Report
The RMR 12 Month Roll-Forward is a snapshot of a company’s RMR over a 12-month timeframe.  When this report is generated, the user selects a start date.  The report rolls forward to the month selected by looking back over the prior 12 months.  For e...
RMR Audit Tracking Report
The RMR Audit Tracking report displays detailed information for each customer’s RMR.  This report includes new RMR added, rate changes, and cancellations for a particular date range.  Totals are displayed for each unique customer. Report Parameter...
RMR Cancellation Report
The RMR Cancellations Report displays RMRs where the cancellation date is within a specific date range.  This report is grouped by Recurring Reason Code. Report Parameters The parameters available for this report are: Start and End Date G...
RMR Distribution Report
The RMR Distribution report displays the total active RMR amounts by Cycle Month/Year and Billing Cycle for a period of 12 months.  This report is calculated based upon the monthly RMR amount on each active RMR. If the RMR has not yet billed and th...
RMR In Force Report
This report is a detailed listing of active RMR by each customer, grouped by Item Code. Report Parameters The parameters available for this report are: Start Date Select a single Master Customer Select All Customers – Includes regular custom...
Tech Time Report
This report prints Labor Hours performed by technicians on Work Orders and Recurring Work Orders. The hours displayed are based on the dispatch times entered for the technician appointments for work orders. Report Parameters The parameters avai...