Customer Types


Customer Types Overview
When creating a new Customer record, the Customer Type is a required field.  The Customer Type is used to define the individual or company you are doing business with.  Customer Types may be general or specific.  For example, you may create customer...
Add a Customer Type
To add a new Customer Type, from the main menu, arrive at the Customer Types setup with this path: Setup > Other > Customer Types. The Customer Types list will be displayed.  Click on the Add Customer Type button at the upper left of the form.    ...
Delete a Customer Type
To delete a Customer Type, from the main menu, arrive at the Customer Types setup with this path: Setup > Other > Customer Types. The Customer Types list will be displayed.  Locate the Customer Type you want to delete, and then click on the Delete ...
Edit a Customer Type
To edit a Customer Type, from the main menu, arrive at the Customer Types setup with this path: Setup > Other > Customer Types. The Customer Types List will be displayed.  Locate the Customer Type to be edited, and then click on the Edit button (pe...