Custom Fields


Custom Fields Overview
Custom Fields are used for tracking additional information that is important to your company where a field is not provided in the application.  The data saved is for reporting purposes.  Custom fields are available in the following areas: Customer...
Add a Custom Field
To setup Custom Fields, from the main menu, arrive at the Custom Fields setup with this path: Setup > Operations > Custom Fields. The Custom Fields list will be displayed.  Click on the Add Custom Field button at the upper left of the form. ...
Delete a Custom Field
To delete a Custom Field, from the main menu, arrive at the Custom Fields setup with this path: Setup > Operations > Custom Fields. The Custom Fields list will be displayed.  Locate the Custom Field you want to delete, and then click on the Delete ...
Edit a Custom Field
To edit a Custom Field, from the main menu, arrive at the Custom Fields setup with this path: Setup > Operations > Custom Fields. The Custom Fields list will be displayed.  Locate the Custom Field to be edited, and then click on the Edit button.  ...